Our Community Archives - V&F Auto Inc

Four Things Every First-Time Car Owner Should Know About Their New Car

Buying a new car can involve some costly maintenance mistakes if you don’t do your homework. In this article, we’ll discuss four maintenance tips every new car owner should know: 1) Using “premium” gas won’t make your car run better. Many new drivers experience the pull toward premium, simply because it sounds like the better […]

Winter Paint Care Tips & Tricks

Your car’s paint takes a beating in the winter, especially with the harsh and unpredictable New England weather. Dirt, salt, ice, and snow are all unforgiving. We know winter paint care can be challenging but we’re here to help. Here are a few tips and tricks to help your paint stay picture-perfect during the winter […]

Winter Car Seat Safety

Winter is a tricky time for car seats. With the cold New England weather, it’s important to bundle up the family, but all those layers can be dangerous in the car— especially for kids still in car seats. With that in mind, we wanted to share a few tips to help you keep your little […]

Warm Hearts, Warm Feet: Join V&F Auto’s Sock Donation Drive This SOCKtember!

For the entire month of September, V&F Auto is collecting new socks for local charities in our community in honor of SOCKtember!  SOCKtember is an annual sock donation competition designed to bring communities closer together. It started in 2020 with four teams in Washington State who collectively raised over 5,500 pairs of new socks for […]

Gas Prices Are High. Should I use summer blend fuel? Our team has the answers!

Should you consider using summer blend fuel this season? As most drivers know, gas prices often go up during the summer months starting around Memorial Day. Summer travel creates an increase in demand, refineries have to undergo spring maintenance which limits production, and natural disasters like hurricanes can disrupt international distribution chains. But gasoline sold during […]

Ergonomic Car Seat Positioning: How to maximize your comfort

When you’re flying out the door for your daily commute, an ergonomic car seat position probably isn’t the first thing on your mind. But, according to Ergonomics Simplified, driving can create significant stress to the neck and the upper and lower back, especially if your seat is in a sub-optimal position. Properly adjusting your seat […]

Four Things Every First-Time Car Owner Should Know

Buying a new car can be costly if you don’t do your homework. In this article, we’ll discuss four things every first-time car owner should know: 1) Using “premium” gas won’t make your car run better. Many new drivers experience the pull toward premium, simply because it sounds like the better alternative. While some high-performance […]

Replacing Torn Windshield Wipers

As winter comes to a close and spring temperatures start to rise, it’s important to take a close look at your windshield wipers. Windshield wipers are a key safety feature on any vehicle, and even the highest-quality models are prone to deterioration over time. In harsh winter weather, the dirt, salt, and other debris on […]

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